One of the best horror games ever made.

I love this game so much, I even wrote a Steam review.

I thought this was really boring.

I don't care what people say, i think this is the best Fallout game.

This game truly feels like working, I've never felt so drained after playing a game before.

I used to be so scared of this game as a kid, yet it was still one of my favourites.
Amazing story, amazing characters, absolutely breathtaking soundtrack and a world that seems so alien, you'll feel like you stepped into another dimension.

Would give this 0 stars if I could. Was swept up by the Youtube excitement over this game and bought it, thinking it would be just as fun to play this as it was watching it. Some jokes are funnier when you don't repeat them.

Cutest game about child murder there is.

The soundtrack is amazing and the whole concept is really fun and cute, it does get repetitive after some time though.

Funny at first, grows stale very quickly though. The writing is definitely the best part of this game.

This fucks with my brain, in a good way.

The gameplay is really fun but I couldn't get invested into the characters or the story. It's worth a try though.

I really like the way they implement dialog into the game, a nice little adventure game.

Another example of watching too much Youtube and thinking the game would be equally fun to play myself. Not only is the game barely able to load, it's also terribly hard to get into it as a newcomer. Not really my idea of fun.