Is quite a lot of fun, most of the community is decent but the only let down are rare updates and a variety of bugs

Now, there will be a lot of things considered when making this review. The main factor obviously will be the price, and if its worth paying about 70 bucks on a game that came out about 9 years ago.

Starting off, I would like to talk about the good things about this remake, which there are quite a few. It's not a simple boost in the graphics, it's an impressive improvement over the remastered releases in 2014, the improved face animations make characters feel more alive, they have improved facial animations make multiple scenes more impactful and emotional. The game overall is much more beautiful, especially if you're playing with high fidelity, it's something else, it may be one of the most beautiful games I've had the chance of playing and of course the story itself is the best thing about the game, never a moment of boredom. The gameplay has also improved slightly, as well as the ai, honestly some of the best ai I've seen in a game in terms of combat, they're smart, try to flank and act differently.

Now for the big question, is it worth the money? The short answer is no. I would probably price it between 35-45 dollars. But, if it is your first time playing the last of us, I highly recommend paying the 70, experiencing the game the first time with this remake is definitely worth the money, so like I said if you haven't played it before and you're reading this, pay the 70, especially if you're desperate, or in the mood for a great single player story game, I highly, highly recommend this game, it still is a master piece, probably my favourite game of all time and only a few story games have been able to match its standards.

The score I gave it reflects on the price, but if you are playing it for the first time, I would give it a five stars