1077 Reviews liked by AxDestroier

Fantastic puzzle game with just enough challenge to be enjoyable. Doesn't fall into the trap of having frustratingly obscure solutions to puzzles.

Graphic design is amazing, music is wonderful and the soft concept plot is enjoyable although the final act drags on a bit.

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The whole glyph-deciphering thing is a very fun puzzle mechanic and you feel very smart when you find the solution to a puzzle. I would say more but I think it's best to experience it blind.

My only problem is that the world is so large and in order to find the solution to certain puzzles you have to keep moving between locations. Some puzzles near the end require you to retrace your steps completely which can be very time-consuming. There is a fast travel system but you can only move from checkpoint to checkpoint not directly to a checkpoint from anywhere. It would be less frustrating if the game had WASD support and I didn't have to keep clicking 100 times every time I wanted to go between two locations (it does have controller support but I couldn't be bothered to set mine up so this isn't really an issue if you're playing with a controller).

Apart from this small problem, I loved it. Highly recommend checking it out.

Chants of Sennaar is a great little game that could've been way way better had it delved deeper into the language puzzles. I would've loved for the languages to have more glyphs and more complex grammar, even if it meant sacrificing the other type of get-this-use-there puzzles. That would've probably been for the better, but how can you sin a game that looks straight out of a Moebius comic?

The solutions to the puzzles are fairly simple; they're not necessarily easy (I didn't consider them hard anyway) but they're not obtuse like in other puzzle games, where a combination of unlikely reasonings was sometimes the correct answer. All the pieces are put in front of you, and it's your job to put the puzzle together. The only gripe I had with the game were the stealth sections and the fact that I sometimes would miss on some things that were just out of focus: like the helmet for the disguise in the Fortress being on the left side, or the stairs that lead to one of the terminals in the Laboratories being barely visible on the right side of the screen.

Overall it was a great game to complete in under 7 hours. It has a lovely art style, a fantastic soundtrack and it's honestly just a treat to play for any language enthusiast. Would it have been better with less regular puzzles and more complex languages? I think so, but it wouldn't have been as accessible. In the end, nothing really beats the feeling of coming across a Rosetta Stone and working out the glyphs by yourself. I'll probably revisit the game playing it in a different language and see how it compares.

Sights & Sounds
- Charming PS1-era graphics, but with a framerate the PS1 couldn't touch. It makes the game look and play really nicely
- I was humming along to the music by the end of my playthrough, so it's pretty catchy

Story & Vibes
- Cute little bittersweet story, but given the short length of the game, there's not any deep exploration of themes or philosophies
- The vibes are very chill. There are no stakes. Just buckle in for a cute little tale about a small bird trying to get cell reception (with a little heartstring tugging at the end)

Playability & Replayability
- The game is about the length of your average movie. Because of this, it would be really easily replayable
- The controls feel quite nice. Jumping, soaring, running, and climbing mechanics all feel good
- I wouldn't mind jumping back into this one to 100% it

Final Verdict
- 7.5/10. Unless you like the game enough to replay it multiple times, the price is a little high. Definitely worth it when it goes on sale, though

Very charming game but also very unpolished

Relaxing little exploration platformer with a cute, breezy atmosphere and refreshing jazz soundtrack. great little afternoon playthrough.

Simplesmente um MONSTRO em ambientação. Crow Country consegue resgatar com perfeição o feeling de terror dos antigos jogos de survival horror da era do PS1, e ao mesmo tempo consegue criar uma identidade própria fenomenal.

A estética de parque de diversões abandonado se encaixa perfeitamente com o gênero, gerando uma atmosfera familiar, fofa e ao mesmo tempo sinistra, o que com certeza ajuda em deixar o jogador sempre à beira de um ataque de nervos (not me though, I'm built different).

Os puzzles são bem RE-like, com dicas de como resolvê-los espalhados pelo parque em forma de textinhos, notas, cartazes, etc. Entretanto, nem sempre são óbvios, obrigando que o jogador coloque tico e teco para funcionar (not me though, I'm built stupid...), ou que use a barraquinha de dicas, esta que ajuda a apaziguar a frustração de ficar preso em um puzzle, uma ótima adição.

A limitação de recursos sempre me deixou na ponta dos pés, mostrando que até o fim do jogo o confronto direto com os inimigos deve ser evitado, algo que RE moderno falha miseravelmente.

Se tem alguma coisa negativa para dizer sobre o jogo, são dois pontos bem bobos: Primeiro, não tem resource management, então vc consegue estar sempre carregando tudo. Segundo, o jogo é bem curtinho, com um mapa bem pequeno, mas isso era esperado de um jogo indie.

Por fim, se esse time conseguiu entregar algo desse calibre com provavelmente financiamento nenhum, fico torcendo para que o jogo faça sucesso e consigam entregar algo com tanta maestria (ou quem sabe uma continuação) em um futuro próximo. Mais um indício de que a revolução indie continua forte, e a indústria AAA continua ficando para trás.

Genuinely a better cat game than Stray.

Lil Gator Game is a sweet, short, and fantastically well polished and fun experience for what it is. Everything from the music, to the graphics, to the gameplay, and of course the story, come together perfectly. Creating an experience on par if not better then "A Short Hike." Truly a unique little game, that yet again, does not overstay any form of its welcome.

Wholesome 3D platformer collectathon/questathon with plenty of dialogue. It has a similar vibe to 'A Short Hike' but with younger characters. Simple but fun.

Absolutely adorable and surprisingly heartwarming. It won't provide much of a challenge, but if you're looking for a cute cozy sandbox game with some surprisingly strong writing, this is for you.

A Short Hike by way of Breath of the Wild and proud of it. As lovely as everyone says it is, though I wish it had a little more of a sense of wonder like its inspirations, instead of just easygoing positivity. Also a vicious anti-cardboard hate crime simulator.