Could see myself playing this for hours (because I did lol) but the game-breaking bugs and bland dungeons really take away a lot from the experience. I’m super duper excited to see the official release!!

Despite all of the graphical and FPS issues this game has, it's still such a fun time. I love it to bits.

Oh man. This game has defined so much of my early life. This game made me who I am today. I have fallen in love with this sandbox game so many different times, I love the shit out of the idea of building my own world. Modded Minecraft might be one of the most relaxing and fun experiences to be had, I love it so much. Of course, this game is still heavily flawed, the progression is dogshit and it feels really grindy a lot of times, which really holds this great experience back. I probably would have gotten a little farther in some of my worlds if progressing wasn’t ungodly boring sometimes. Overall though, nice game.

Shit happens for no reason. Everything is so slow. The controls are so clunky and confusing. In my playthrough, an officer demanded all of my money from me and then kicked my shit in when I said no, and then my sentence was extended for trying to fight back.

On second thoughts, maybe I'm just bad at the game lol. I've got to give it another shot soon.

This little adventure is such a cool tech demo!! Valve somehow put so much life into a program they made for client-side performance tests.

This is such an interesting twist on Half-Life 2. I'm glad that the game took place in an entirely different city as to differentiate itself from the game it mods.
However, the gameplay has aged like milk. It's a fun time if you can figure out the madly cryptic puzzles, otherwise keep a guide on hand. Make sure to look up.