Excellent gameplay, incredible setpieces and overall just a ton of fun. The wait was worth it.

Really fun return to form for the series after how tech demo-like 6 felt.

Presentation wise the game does genuinely look and sound great. The 3D sprites had a lot more going on and the old Japanese aesthetic felt refreshing and appealed to me quite a bit.

Story wise if you've played a disgaea game you kinda know what to expect but it's a large step up from 5 and I'd easily put it at 1/4's level if only because Fuji and Pirilika are very entertaining as a duo - The other party members weren't half bad either.

Gameplay wise I can't comment too much on because the real systems come into play at postgame but it felt solid to play throughout the story at least. With features like Jumbification and hell mode you do gotta think tactically about when to use them or the enemy could do the same and destroy your party which kept things interesting.

I also appreciate QoL like the juice bar being kept and even though I didn't play around with it too much D.I seems to be balanced better than 6 and encourages more active play.

Uhhh yeah tl;dr game is good and even if NIS has some... let's say wildly inconsistent output (comparing D6 and Monster Menu to Galleria and D7) it's nice that they can put the effort in where it counts and I'm more than looking forward to digging into the postgame.

Thank you Moonbow you rocked my world.

they fucked up and gave this gacha some of the most heartfelt/emotional storytelling I've seen

gameplay isn't all that bad either, pretty fun when you're fighting bosses and low rarity units staying relevant is nice and kiiinda makes up for abyss rates.

Really fun game for what is was, I commend the amount of work put into the animations/art/music and how solid the character writing was.

That said this clearly suffered story-wise and turned out to be rushed by the end, with the heroine endings sloppily giving out important information that the main game failed to wrap up.

But all in all I'd recommend it if you like /extremely/ hot ero and a fulfilling "fuck society" story, I did love the climax a great deal.

P.S. Kikuchiyo best girl. Also, Tsuina's counterattack sequel when (at least make it a manga or fandisc sob)

oh nah this really wasn't a story of heroes

This might be the worst Rance game but it had some neat stuff here and there. Pink Mask is a blessing upon this world.

I didn't expect to like this as much as I did but the addicting gameplay coupled with a lighter tone made me feel right at home and kept me entertained throughout the 60 or so hours I spent with it (ongoing thanks to postgame and World 2/3)

The Magnum expansion is legit good and I completely understand the fans reception with base Quest. I'm glad they focused more on the lore and gave to us one of the best 'antagonists'. Praise Am.