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November 16, 2023


You would think the next review on here would be MHWI seeing as I did MHW, but then I reached MR200 and decided I wanted to play this and here we are.

Anyways, probably the most insane FPS of the last generation if not that entire decade. Doom Eternal is everything about Doom 2016, but launched from a catapult off a cliff, on crack, and on fire. The game's pacing and the speed at which enemies will attack is at such an insane level that I don't blame people who just don't enjoy playing through this. It demands your full attention in which you WILL use your entire arsenal or you will die and repeat battles until you win. Speaking of the arsenal it rocks. Every weapon has its purpose and every demon is weaker to a specific weapon. Yet like blast in MH everything is weak to the Super Shotgun and this is going to be your trusty Gunfu still even with the lowered ammo count and DMCesque weapon switching you have to do.

Alongside the arsenal beinf fantastic all the new melee elements that worked in 2016 like glory kills for health, chainsaw for ammo is taken even further as now you get the blood punch you receive from glory kills to just instakill weaker demons and since the chainsaw doesn't upgrade with ammo upgrades now instead of being an instakill button for big demons it's your ammo supply and the balancing act between all this is enough to put your brain into overdrive and eventually sensory overload blackout. All this across 13 massive levels that would make most other games green with envy. Funnily enough despite how big, long, and tiring this game should feel not once do I feel myself like it's overstaying its welcome like Doom 2 unfortunately did during my replay. Eternal occasionally gives you breathing room with levels that are easy to navigate and explore for secrets between battles with the great map they give you. Honestly the huge sprawling levels kind of remind me the classic Turok games but with less of the "where the fuck do I go" syndrome those games had. Urdak may as well be the Primagen's Lightship, but not fucking awful to traverse.

Is the game's story dog water? Yeah sure, but I really don't care. Not only don't I care I'm glad it's a fucking cheesefest of absolute nonsense that was clearly relegated to being mostly codex entries cause they basically decided this game wasn't Doom 5, it was Doom x Quake. The same way Tokyo Mirage Sessions clicked for me when I saw it less as SMT x FE and more as SMT, but with some Fire Emblem shit thrown in. Once I started playing Doom Eternal like Quake everything clicked and I was slaughtering my way through every stage. Also, seeing as I prefer Quake to do Doom after finally playing those I am in my fucking element. The most exhilarating and sweaty palm enducing FPS of the generation and probably my favorite Doom to be honest. Controversial perhaps, but fuck this does so much right. The ultraviolence paired with aggressive garish saturated colors, pacing, and a giant arsenal of guns was made for me specifically and no one else.

Doom has always been one of my favorite gaming franchises and I can see for some where Eternal goes too far into fanwank territory, but this franchise was over in that regard the moment Doom 3 had the slab with the OG Doom cover on it as some ancient fossil. Basically, yeah... like I said earlier I'm thinking this is my favorite Doom.

Also, do I even need to talk about the music? The score is a goddamn aural masterpiece of industrial rock, evil devil sounds, chanting choirs, and chainsaw revving skullfuckings and I hope everyone that fucked over Mick Gordon with how the official releases were handled eats shit for life.