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2 days

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August 3, 2023

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July 25, 2023

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Game is literally Betterman fights racists and monarchs to dethrone and kill god what is not to like. It straight up becomes Gaogaigar Final too by the end with Clive and Ultima full on in the Gai and Palparepa roles and I was losing my fucking shit.

Been trying to get into these games for years, but back then I was a stupid idiot with gamer and Nintendo youtuber brain that couldn't into turn based combat. Played the demo for 13 when it was coming out and hated it! When Versus 13 was reannounced as 15 all those years ago I tried to get into it and then I skipped it. Then I tried to get into them with 7R and instead like an idiot I bought the (decent) RE3 remake. Then I tried using Stranger of Paradise to get into these games cause it hit all my edgelord autism tastes and now here we are I finally got around to playing an FF game.

So uh first thing first if you're going into this expecting something with combat depth as deep as DMCV you're fucking up. Expect something closer to a Platinum game and you'll be less disappointed when you realize it's really just one button for attacks with summons basically being your supers. CLIVE HAS A FUCKING DT JESUS CHRIST IT RULES. Such a fun game in that regard I have no complaints for it. They nailed what they were going for with the gameplay. As for the Eikon battles? GODDAMN. Spectacle is where this game really shines and the hype aspect of Japanese media going all in on the kill god angle will never get old. No matter how many things do it.

The story of this game on the other hand is kind of where I'm more mixed. There's some really nice emotional bits especially anything between Clive and Joshua. Add in everyone's last goodbyes before the final battle to that and as mentioned the big spectacle moments are chefs kiss, but the actual events that happen between a lot of all that? Maybe I expected more from what I've gathered through osmosis from my friends playing FF14 and how good the expac stories can be in that game. Especially as a lot of people involved in that were involved in this, but after Bahamut the game really started to drag for me. The story also kind of waned and lost my interest? It really does peak for a while with Bahamut. Waloed and all the Odin shit goes on for way too long if I'm being honest and despite the funny CLIVE BESTED bit I was getting tired of the blue balling by that point. It gets way worse in NG+ as well. Especially the fucked up pacing. Also, Jill may be one of the most boring love interests I've seen in ages I truly have been spoiled over the last few years. Should mention that while I also love the I BELIEVE IN HUMANITY AND ITS INGENUITY aspect of the story that I will never tire of in media I do wish the game was a bit meaner. I do get why it isn't that mean but it's still kind of disappointing. It's a journey of saving the world and building hope for the future humanity can and will make for itself and I love that shit always, but I don't know. I didn't want anime Game of Thrones as it was being marketed and some people fell for (thank god it wasn't that), but I guess I wanted something more from the angle of how fucked the whole war and world is beyond the blight. Especially with how much of the game is devoted to the political turmoils of a fictional fantasy setting. The sidequests are kind of lame too the only ones really worth doing are the pouch increase ones, blacksmith ones, and the hunting ones since you need those materials for the blacksmith quests. Unfortunately the more common sidequests kill the pacing of the game cause they'll just dump 20 Xenoblade 1 type beat ones on you after an insane story progression moment.

That tangent aside this game is fine and if what they set out to do was make an Action RPG Final Fantasy that plays like a Character Action Game, is accessible to people who don't often play those, and with a serious story that still isn't afraid to get goofy then they nailed it. For me personally it's kind of messy and am sort of disappointed in it to a degree after being excited to finally play one of these, but it could be worse. Who knows maybe now I'll actually go and play some of those older games I wouldn't have been able to get into 13 years ago. Do not ask me to play 14 though I will just tell you to fuck off.