Super fun movement. Gunplay is run of the mill, but Titan combat is fun and feels hefty. Some unique levels with varying mechanics throughout to always spice it up.

Was decent but nothing special and became too tedious to manage resources and hunt bullet sponges. Moved on to other games.

Played with a buddy. It’s entertaining, but we lost steam towards the end.

Kinda gets stale by the end, but the absurdity of South Park kept me going.

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Short, but still a great addition to the Uncharted series. Great chemistry between the leads and another appearance by Sam which is awesome.

Everything about this game was amazing.
The graphics, story, characters, gameplay.
Uncharted 4 is this first of the series to forgo the supernatural third act and really ground itself in some deeper and thoughtful themes that build on it's predecessors in a unique way. The epilogue was the icing on the cake.

Even over 10 years after release, you can tell why this game was so groundbreaking.
Cinematic narrative with seamless cutscenes and huge set pieces, features that we take for granted in 2023. However, some gameplay mechanics haven't aged as well, such as the clunky climbing and cover system, but overall still a great experience today as it was back then. I did have to lower the difficulty in the Siege chapter as it was brutal even on normal.

Super fun. Characters were well written, the VA was great, it actually had me laughing most of the time. Combat can get repetitive and enemies can be bullet sponges, but overall very enjoyable and genuinely felt like I was playing a third Guardians movie. It's a shame we may never see a sequel to this gem because of the shit storm that was Marvel's Avengers

Typical CoD experience that got trippier near the end. Overall, decent fun.