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Limayde finished Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Oh my god. This is probably the best remake of any game I've ever played. I have a few minor nitpicks of course, you can't please everyone, but those are inconsequential to the MONUMENTAL amount of improvements, QOL changes, and just straight-up cool shit they added to the experience. Like the music??? Good lord they added so much music. I wasn't super sure if I was gonna be into it originally, but by god almost all those new tracks are fuckin' BANGERS.

Anyway this game absolutely rules, and it's made even better by this remake. There's something here for everyone, a great game for newcomers, a bunch of surprises for veterans, and canonical trans Vivian to piss off the losers >:)

19 hrs ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

Limayde is now playing Butterfly Soup 2

5 days ago

5 days ago

Limayde finished Butterfly Soup
Class of '09 but for queer autistic nerds.

Wait hang on that's also Class of '09-

11 days ago

11 days ago

Limayde finished 30XX
I had a lot of fun with this! Played it with a friend over the course of a couple months and we always had a good time with it. That being said, the game is quite buggy, especially in multiplayer. I couldn't tell you the number of issues we came across during our time with the game. They were all manageable, and not gamebreaking or anything, but they were certainly annoying ghfghjkjhg. If you're playing alone you probably won't have nearly as many issues as we did, so I'm assuming multiplayer just needs to be tinkered with.
The core gameplay is very fun, and never gets too easy, especially when you factor in the entropy levels, which you'll constantly be bumping up every time you beat a run. BUT, unfortunately later levels can get extremely busy, with projectiles flying all over the screen. The level you fight Elanor in is especially brutal, being in closed rooms with shit flying fucking everywhere. I almost always just b-line it straight for the end there, as it's too much all at once.
One huge positive I'll award the game is the means of reaching the true ending. It's something you work towards over the course of your whole playtime, trying to figure out what you need to do in order to progress further along this chain is very fun, with a lot of the methods being pretty cryptic to puzzle out, with some very cool solutions. It helps that this game's story is actually quite engaging. Even though I played it with a friend and we didn't really stop to read lore, I would go back on my own time just to read through everything we collected. It only gets more interesting the further you get to reaching the true ending as well, with me quickly growing an appreciation for characters I initially didn't think I'd care all that much about.

14 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

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