7 reviews liked by Bamhulu

you have to play claymates. and you have to beat it.

Fun and mind-bending puzzles that are satisfying to solve. The fighting on the other hand...mind-NUMBING!. Talk about repetitive nonsense. I am not one to complain about artistic license and straying away from the source material, but, and a huge but, this game makes no sense sometimes. I won't get into why. Play this if you hated the 2nd game for whatever reason, it changes in many many ways. Voice acting is goated though, Walter White worked his ass off. Oh, it is also way too short, nuff said I think.

Fav Level: Day of the Black Sun
Least Fav Level: Fight on the Dock

man those memes were right, I want HL3

A phenomenal game betrayed by a subpar engine, massive pop-in and a significant amount of bugs. Despite that, Subnautica has the best gameplay loop of any survival crafting game. Its hand-made map and actually designed progression systems make it an absolute joy to explore and map out.

This is maybe the worst game ever made. There is no strategy in this game, there is no thoughtful decisions to make, it's all luck. No more skillful than the card game war.
The issue is that the game feigns to not be about luck. It gives the illusion of choice, the illusion that whatever lucky bastard got the best starting position was actually the better player the whole time. A cruel mask to fuel the ego. A game, much like real war, made to divide and bring about the worst in us. Backstabbing, bullying, and hatred are the words that I think of when I think of risk.
No I have never won a game of risk. Why do you ask

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A complete love-letter from Bungie, that excels in everything that Halo is known for.

A refreshing take on a campaign that moves away from the one-man army feel that the other mainline Halos provide. Reach isn't afraid to put the player in a world where loss and eventually, death, is inevitable. This to me, is what makes the story and the overall journey of the game worthwhile and fulfilling. The uphill battle you face and the shadow of death looming over you, is what gives the game the feel of humanity. Noble team and the Spartans act as beacons of hope and the fight against the Covenant, but at their core, they too are still only human. You don't play as an un-killable super-soldier, you slowly feel the world crumble, and save only what you can. The eventual deaths of Noble team and yourself, is both the heroic sacrifice for mankind, and the mortal reality of war.

Multiplayer and custom games are the backbone of all things Halo, and Reach does not disappoint. The maps are full and detailed, many taken straight out of scenic parts of the campaign. The highly customizable forge world offers a huge amount of playability and sandbox features. There is an expansive selection of game modes, ranging from the chaotic Big Team Battle, to fast paced rounds of Infection. Armor customization is at its absolute peak with Reach. A massive library of armor pieces, a solid set of colors, and new armor options/effects as well.

Game is the GOAT!