1 review liked by Bandabydoo



I was going to play my favourite game Memetyper but my oh so dear friend suggested I should look up porn typing games. I found this piece of lovely crap. If you really wanna get good at typing "boobies, hot, titties, viagra, BDSM, panties, vagina, penis, cock, servant, dick, handcuffs, cumshot, g-spot, infidelity, sheldon, fornication, ball, prostitute, hooker, liaison, fuck, fucker, mom, brother, sister, dildo, sixty-nine, anal, anus, corruption, gorgeous, bastard, virgin, teacher, pussy, clit, clitorus, latex, condom, gagging, slave, fetish, missionary, bitch, tattoo" then this game is for you! Also full of AI porn and its all disgusting, none of the maids know how to keep their mouth shut.

Also, I'm conflicted with the core because it is a typing game and it works, a little lacking on word variety, but its hard to fuck up typing games and its fun. But also, I am forced to looked at demonic images grown in a test tube made to look like wonderful big breasted babes, but have gone past that and end up hyper disgusting.