Really enjoyed this one a lot! So glad they dialed back all the miscellaneous activities and collectibles. Made the game actually manageable. Nearly a 100% trophy completion.

Soft locked the game due to having wrong outfit for a mission.

Way too much. Brain overloaded. Not sure if ill ever finish.

Did not enjoy the dual protagonist bit at all.

I really loved the co-op aspect! Wish they would bring that back.

I'm liking the world, but I can't seem to enjoy the gameplay anymore. The new AC style has already worn out its welcome for me and I can't stand all the radiant quest. I feel compelled to do them due to the timers even though they are pointless.

A rare I did everything AC game! I loved the changes initially (not the lvl scaling and no 1 hit kill) The story was great and I really got absorbed in Bayek.

Can never finish the game. Being a pirate is just so much more fun!

Really loved the single player story! Did not enjoy multiplayer anymore. Preferred the first for that.

Surprisingly a lot of fun until the game became to diehard and hardcore.

The changes made the game much less fun. Might not finish.

Became too difficult to co-op due to the gear micromanagement and conflicting schedules and play time. Permanently shelved as a result.

Really liked co-op'ing this, but the gear management really slowed the fame when we are all hoarders of gear and had to spend 15 minutes in menus for every 15 minutes of play.