Really lovely looking game that at it's best moments constantly surprised me with all its different ideas. As people in this reviews page have said though, the puzzles in the latter half of the game end up dragging it down, as their more drawn out and easier to mess up for reasons not really the player's fault. This combined with two glitches I had that forced me to restart over 20 minutes back from where I was kind of soured a lot of the final parts of the game, even when the sequences in this part were still as inventive.

I appreciate the way the game tries to make your second playthrough as focused on completing new sections as possible, although I still had to replay some of the more frustrating parts of the game due to the things I missed on my first playthrough.

Was still a fun time and the art in this game really is nice, but It didn’t stick the landing for me. Also one of my glitches that I mentioned was near the very end of the game and so instead of replaying the large amount of stuff I did when I had to reset, I looked up the ending. Good lord, it was a struggle finding a playthrough of this game without a British person talking through the whole thing. Even when I did find an uncommentated version, it ended with a paragraph of text that tried to “explain” the ending, and the interpretation it gave was…questionable at best. Truly youtube is hell.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2021
