Love the title "Bosconian". A great entry in the tradition of "space shooters that put together some cool sounding syllables to evoke some kind of Alien Thing". The game itself is pretty neat too. Not really much to it, but having two bullets come out when you shoot, one forward and one behind, is really smart, and helps keep the game from feeling too aggressive, even though enemy fire is pretty relentless. It's an entire game centered around blowing up death stars, and that's neat.

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

I played & loved this game as part of a plug-n-play collection, when I was around 12, then years later checked out the seminal "Lensman" series of sci-fi novels that began in the 1930s, and read about the evil space pirate forces of Boskone...then went "Hey, wait a minute!" That's the source of that cool title!