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1 day

Last played

July 19, 2022

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You can do a whole lot worse for a 30 minute video game tbh but i still got shit to say
so ill get the bad out of the way first with this one
this shit allegedly came out before the first season was even done ending
there's more "boss fights" than there is actual levels in this game and thats not even saying much really when there's only 3 levels to play and then youre in the final stretch. The "level design" is hardly even level design, and thats not even because its on the gameboy. The gameboy already has games that do have decent level design and action and jumping such as kirby, wario, etc.

You dont even get to do any cool shit in this game for combat aside from just a kinda shitty kick that sometimes doesnt even register right
And if you get a game over from the dick-head enemy placement you have to do the ENTIRE chapter of the game, including the segments when you walk around alllllllllllllllllll over again
cant even use speed-up on an emulator because its a fuckin gameboy game and one second on speedup in a gameboy game is like 8 years have passed pfffft
But yeah the progression is really just find the NPC that triggers the flag for what the baddie in the area is, go find and talk to Luna, play a better but still Kinda shitty action segment
learn the pattern of the boss, rinse repeat

Now like I think this formula CAN work for a sailor moon game but its on such a small scale that I dont think id call this a great or even good game, pretty mediocre.

Now the stuff i do like.. uhhh.. i like some of the gameboy renditions of certain songs ? Usagi breaks bricks by crying and gets power-ups that temporarily make the game really fun (wish i knew that shit at the start of the game instead of around level 4 but...manuals b damned i guess)

And Usagi's jump is like a bunny hop which is adorable
And i dont hate the spritework, but then again thats not saying much because I usually like the gameboy's monochrome sprite approach to begin with.

Also this game just fuckin'
because there isnt even really much of a huge plot to begin with so you just kick ass and Luna and Tuxedo Mask are all like "okay sailor moon u kicked some major ass but haha i think thts enough for today wink" fuck off

COMMA!!!!!11!!" out of ten