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December 25, 2023

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HMMMM YKNOW I WAS ACTUALLY GETTIN A LITTLE SAD BC I INCURRED A WEIRD ASS GLITCH THT MADE ME RESTART THE GAME FROM THE BEGINNING BUUUUUUUUUUUUT i actually did love the segment where you and bittergiggle are working together and really just how it can happen At All

in a way garten of banban 6 to me feels like the most Connections felt one in the series because nearly all of the dialogue culminates from the time everyone's had around each other, it reminds me of sentiments i felt with Yakuza 3 with how interactions in that and moments of passing pause, banter and small talk feel Earned
I ALSO RLLY LIKE HOW THEY TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HOW DARK THE GAME CAN GET IN AMBIANCE AND USED THT FOR THIS WHOLE HUB AREA even if the drone is sometimes finicky but wht else is new its the drone lmao

I think that the most fair criticism of this one that ive seen is that its not really trying to be scary in this one and its pretty easy to avoid not dying in this chapter aside form two segments of the game. Though I actually think its Fine that this direction is taken bc thats where the narrative's shifted, by this point in the story the parent has made so many interactions with all these characters it almost feels like this net of safety is waning really thin

Dadadoo especially is actually a capable fighter and everything but his plan is crazy because i think it might deadass get chapter 7 to be the most isolating chapter since the first one oooo

It'd be far too much to recap ALL of the lore and new tidbits ive picked up on here but this was definitely a top 3 chapter takin everything into account from before
im so glad opium baby is safe
but also... im actually really taken aback by how this is the ONLY chapter in the game thus far that doesnt even have one glimpse of jumbo josh(hes visible in the murals still and even in the secret room you can see him part of the banban & friends big five buuuuuuuuuut.. YEAH.) like w o a h not even in the big revelation at the end of the chapter.

I think 4 has some rlly high points but also rlly tedious lows with some puzzles while this one felt like it had a great finale and some good series highs while having so so lows
and i cant believe the surgeon got attached enough to start making his own kids, hes gotta be if not strong one of the most interesting characters in-verse when we get there
also the amount of ppl confused why this is out and not five. i get it cause like even though five is a prequel.. this noticably took longer to come out than the other chapters and in the other chapters, i never experienced any softlocking bugs/glitches
soooo....... i think smthin mighta given the dev bros trouble with this one or simply working on two chapters at the same time is taking a little toll on them