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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 23, 2023

Platforms Played


this shit sucks bitch LMFAO
its not even like buggy or glitchy its just mostly BORING
it doesnt got puzzles really
its got you bein able to freely swap between all the m&ms and they all have different powers!!..... but literally none of that matters unless it feels like a section you Should be playing with a certain m&m
there's no bosses
its score based too, it kinda just feels like a game thtd be up for display in a kiosk to keep kids busy waiting in line and thatssssss iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
the plot is just "Oh! the factory is fucked! lets unfuck it!" and then they do that and the game ends abruptly when youve hit all the switchyleverpully thingies

i DO like the sprites for this game though!! and its impossible for me to give half a star to smthin thats just mostly inoffensive and boring and lame tht also manages to have playable green m&m i love her so much
we love a woman of color taking charge for the good of the general public <3 and her weenie ass men friends <33

though now tht i think abt it
why does the blue m&m have sunglasses here and yet no where else to speak of
its such a good design upgrade, the hell