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November 28, 2022

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okay okay ive settled down, its not that bad dont worry.
but it is definitely Not a game id revisit anytime soon unless it got a massive reworked remaster in the future...
Lets get into it...
The music is actually pretty fun!
There's so many old callbacks to genesis sonic w/o having little scrimblo shitface scrappydoo from another universe sonic here its actually refreshing, the chickens the mantis badniks the caterpillars, its great stuff! really it is, even if i absolutely abhor the mantis badniks for fucking me up relentlessly in sonic 2.....
AHEM, i actually really like the zeti. YEAH theyre all one note and YEAH theyre stupid but cmon they get the job done. And theyre based on sins anyways so it tracks. It's also really fucking cool having unique villains in a sonic game that are..well.. tangible and humanoid and can stand with the rest of sonic's rogues gallery unlike a lot of other threats because theyre nigh omniscient kirby ass villains, dead, or eggman and eggman is always there and good because hes just.. eggman.
This is a REALLY AMBITIOUS kit for sonic, the wallrunning is sick and they kinda brought back the super peel-out but its sadly much worse than it is in sonic CD because you dont really get More Speed

They also really take advantage of how trippy Lost Hex can be with its music and its world design!! no boss feels the Exact same.. atleast...
...i think the music wisp is funny

Okay now for the bad, I wish sonic felt better to control i really do because the moveset here is cool but it just... does Not match up in feel....
I wish the triple homing attack was actually something that felt balanced instead of just "oh yeah you can skip that phase of the fight if you just stand there and wait a little without getting hit" like wtf why not some cool little homing attack mash or something LMFAO WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT??

And i see what they were going for with Lost Hex and i appreciate the ambition that went into this but it feels like the concepts and shit they had here were just.... really watered down from what they had on paper???????????
Like what the hell why are there four zones in a chunk of lost hex and why do they all have some strange ass gravity gimmick or whatever that you gotta do (granted, i did like the snowball one hehehe that was cute)

Notice how ive been tiptoeing around the thick ass elephant in the room in this review... so lets get that over with
yeah this totally feels like sega peeked over at mario galaxy and was whisperin poorly scribbled directions into the director's ear.... BUT i feel like thats not entirely a Fair criticism of this game because its not like its copying mario beat for beat. Because if you genuinely believe that then that means HUNDREDS of other video games copy mario beat for beat and are just imitators, not just lost world. It'd be a different story if there was a mcguffin to collect akin to the stars and comet missions in Galaxy and blue stars and star bits and hungry lumas and the like,,.. but there's not LOL. I WISH!!!!!!! I really do wish it plagiarized because I probably wouldve had a bit better of a time..
And finally, the writing. Oh my god these are the worst depictions of all of these characters period. Sonic in Forces says some shitface eating lines but this is really where he put on the bib and started chowin down first, gaw-lee bitch.
Tails ofc is helpless and gets no actual development and Sonic worries over him because he doesnt believe in Tails, Amy only ever has weepy shit to say about Sonic, Knuckles has a marble rattling around in there and talks big shit even though he's only visible in this game through fuckin cutscenes and a shitty little camera... Eggman IS.. well hes still pretty great LMFAO there's a moment where he fucking punches a giant boulder in half and its like the most casually glossed over thing ive ever seen like everyones just like woahoh for a moment and thats it.. but i was thinking abt tht for the whole rest of the game like YOU MEAN TO TELL ME EGGMAN'S BEEN T H A T PHYSICALLY STRONG THIS WHOLE TIME????????????????????????????? HOLY SHIT!!!!

Uhh but yeah the final boss sure is a final boss, if ur like "woahwoah hey bitch spoilers!" dont worry im not sayin what it is, but i do like the callback to sonic CD. Funnily enough another game that I think it shares a lot of traits with, and im certain that statement pisses a lot of people off but i cant help but think about it. Both are games that add things for sonic to be able to do to his by-the-numbers arsenal, both take place in a separated planet from the rest of everything else but is overrun but eggman badniks and entrapped flickies(Also WOW THEY REMEMBERED THESE EXIST AFTER LIIKE.... HOW MANY GAMES SINCE THIS DROPPED???), and both games have core level mechanics that i think are really cool on paper but i think couldve stuck the landing much better and wouldve probably been one of my favorites if they pulled it off.
So yeah, thats Sonic Lost World to me,
its not the worst thing ever, but it sure was an up and down experience for me, almost thought i was having a hormonally induced bloodthirst for this game at times bc of how sporadically infurating it made me.. even though it's technically an easy game that gives you no penalty for death aside from needing to repeat the whole zone again, which depending on which zone ur on could be a penalty in it of itself so... yea.

I do think the writing is Funny though.. like fun to laugh at, this is definitely roger craig smith's worst performance as sonic but i think thats a Good thing. It's good that he has such a clear cut bar on the floor because it makes you appreciate his work in something like Frontiers that much more(still hasnt played frontiers herself).

im done here, play it if you want i guess
still better than sonic 1 and sonic forces...ig