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1 day

Last played

July 4, 2022

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This shit can suck my whole booty clit bitch, I dont really give a damn.
it starts really strong and then the remainder zones after Marble had me going "what the fuck"
I get it, its the first game
But maaaaaaaaaaaan spring yard zone is mediocre but kinda chill
Star Light zone is fine but after all the shit you go through it feels super tame by comparison
Labyrinth isnt impossible and neither is Scrap Brain but those are such motherfucker levels to the point where i thought in the back of my head "wow. if i was playing the original rendition of this game, id probably dislike it way more than I do now"

One thing I think is my favorite thing about this game though is how this shit brings out some of the best charm in a genesis game. I even like the special stages for how weird they are, this game was the first venture in and yet i actually wish Sonic had more consistently surreal and weird mismatches of color palettes and zones to go through, more experimental shit going down with bold vision, Its rad.

Uhhh and the music is fine ig....
I honestly cant tell if I think this is a worse game than Sonic Forces, the easy answer is no because Forces is a coddled together sack of shit with some really good ideas
While this one just kind of pisses me off because the ideas are good but the level design doesnt highlight whats so good about the character at All to me