Splatoon 2 2017

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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 10, 2022

Platforms Played


Unlike it's predecessor I actually wasnt in the mindset or the hype at all for splatoon 2, I didnt get stoked for leveling up and gaining new content because I was too impatient in getting all the gear I found fun again.. I didnt even peek at the story mode because I simply didnt care much about the story or what happened in it. I liked Marina and Pearl though C: always love the hosts in these games

But even when I feel like I completely whiffed the community this game offered and what made this IP feel special to me drifted off, I still was really surprised with just how much they would change with the structuring of the campaign for splatoon 2 while also keeping a lot of the same DNA from splatoon 1

For starters, MANDATORY weapon usage
This can act as a double edged sword really considering that some levels may feel harder because youre forced to use a weapon you never really thought was that fun to begin with

Sometimes you gain newfound appreciation for some weapons in different modes, like how some of the weapons are much more fun and practical in Ranked modes as opposed to how they feel to use in Turf wars.

This is a running trend throughout these levels and while the bosses are still overall pretty easy (Even the 2nd to last boss didnt kill me and the final boss was cooler but less testing than the first in some ways) I still think they were designed with more Fun in mind than just raw challenge

I think that the little snippets of lore through scrolls
(those and sardines are collectibles in these that youll need to hunt around for if you wanna get fed more of the story since the story itself in splatoon modes aside from octo-expansion dont really clock in to anything more than an NES level of video game plot, yeah this is a long tangent)
are COOL but i also feel like Im simultaneously learning less if not about the same trickled in amount of plot as I would in the first game

They definitely did evolve things going forward though and it's pretty safe to say that when I tackle the 3rd game's campaign Ill probably come out of it with extremely high opinions

Even though the common criticism with this franchise is that it's core formula IS the exact same when it comes to things like turf war at the forefront and splatfests, I think that simplicity and doubling down in thereof shouldnt be chastised but praised. Nintendo clearly doesnt want to fumble but also doesnt want to have this stagnant and I think 3's reception having a lot more boom than the 2nd's is more evident of not just having more content to look forward to and community interactivity but also the fact that people just needed More Time.
This shit dropped like 2-3 years after Splatoon 1 and was coming off as one of the last major wii u games into one of the very first switch games?? I was one of those people that looked at this then and thought it was too similar to the first, but now i just think it really was
wrong place wrong time
I like splatoon 2 :>