Splatoon 2015

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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 21, 2022

Platforms Played


The summer of when Splatoon came out was something you really could just Feel. It was such a great time looking forward to map rotations and splatfests but also just the community of it all and trying out new weapons. The progression system is so nice and all the character designs are really cool. Even if only owning a Wii U for most of the duration of it's current console generation wasnt a fate i and many of my friends had at the time, i still feel like we wouldve adored it.
The Wii U's best attributes were really easy to take for granted because I feel like I wasnt even able to imagine how different the climate was going forward for Nintendo's online & smash and splatoon and a handful of other games you could possibly count on your hands were honestly Enough to be so excited you couldnt even sleep.

But that connection I have with Splatoon 1 was just about 7 years ago and I've long since been out of the loop with it in it's prime. This review of mine is also touchin on the single player campaign considering that if i only talked about the multiplayer, itd be everything you already heard before

The singleplayer for splatoon is Mostly a chill experience, you have a select amount of utility that isnt anything crazy beyond the standard fare but the platforming itself follows a "World" structure
though id rather call it an Isle structure since youre doin shit for Captain Cuttlefish the whole time

The plot is rlly you doin undercover work takin care of octolings and restoring the zapfish to inkopolis before anyone panics and I think its an incredibly simple plot and gameplay loop that gets the job done considering this is Nintendo's first crack at the IP
Youre not gonna be out here doing Mario shit ofc but theres still pretty cool stuff! The inklines (that appear in splatoon 2 ofc) are here, sponges that enemies can also null the ink out of with their own ink making them grow bigger or smaller, and even invisible walkways you need to spray in order to see.

Personally I think the levels arent too challenging but I do like how they atleast tried to mix in a nice bit of variety with each Isle and level within those isles :> There's even some mini-boss/get to the end of the course straight across levels where you need to dodge octoling commanders and octozooka air strikes and those are also nice but again not Too challenging
If it seems like im putting a lot of emphasis on that, its because I really wanna convey that i only ever got a game over on the final boss of this campaign LMAO
otherwise yeah i died a few times but each checkpoint restores your shit back to full each time so there's not really too much to worry about usually.

Now the final boss... Holy F U C K what a rush, that shit absoolutely is a good final boss not because its significantly tougher than the other levels before but because it tests everything youve been doing beforehand in every kind of terrain

All in all splatoon 1 couldve just been splatoon 1 and wouldve still been one of the greatest new nintendo games ever
And while I dont quite have the history and affection for splatoon 2, i do think it only improves in every single way upon what splatoon 1 layed the groundwork for to begin with.
Now im gonna find out if Splatoon 2's campaign is really all that
btw Splatoon lore is so fun