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Batt is now playing HellSinker

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4 days ago

Batt commented on CorpsSansOrganes's list If You Liked Playing This, You Should Watch This
Don't know if I can add anything of substance here, but off top of my head :

Kentucky Route Zero fans might like :
- Céline and Julie Go Boating (Magical Realism staple with mise en abyme by stage plays)
- Twin Peaks (obviously, for the broody, off, and surnatural depiction of rural America)
- The Hart of London would fit perfectly here too, but since it's already been used I'd suggest Manoel's Destinies

Umineko fans might like :
- Children of Paradise (quoted multiple times in the VN, the influences are pretty clear)
- Dante's Inferno (goes without saying)
- Yi Yi (that one is kind of a reach but the interlinked family drama and its exploration of bounds across different generations might scratch that itch to some + Edward Yang is goated and any excuse is right)

Kaze no Notam fans might like (essentials stripped-down returns to form of their respective mediums) :
- Ten Skies
- La Région Centrale (or anything by Michael Snow for that matter)
- Hypnosis Display

To my fellow Boku no Natsuyasumi enjoyers :
- Kikujiro (self-explanatory)
- Four Seasons of Children (criminally overlooked)
- Good Morning

I'll try to think of some more obscure stuff if decent enough similarities every come to mind

4 days ago

5 days ago

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