"Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway
Dodging bullets while you're trying to find your way"
-unnamed polymath

I know I'm not the only person caught unaware of how they made not only one, but TWO mainline sequels to the Crazy Taxi series. While they may not be fully souped-up reimaginings, Crazy Taxi 2 and 3 contain all of the content in the prior entry plus a little more, it's a little more apt to think of these as expansion packs. What this mercifully does is maintain the lean and mean purity of the breakout title and sprinkle in a handful more options and maps for just the right amount of variety and personalisation.

The most standout addition in these expansions for me is the jump button, it's wild how much this shakes up your approach to the West Coast you'd otherwise be nailed to the ground for. With the ability to scale buildings and a sense of mastery of the course, it's insanely satisfying to defy the will of the sat-nav and take batshit and overly-direct routes to a dropoff point. I particularly love pulling off a crazy boost and landing on top of a highrise in the middle of nowhere and finding that the developers had the foresight to put a hidden customer there as a little treat. This is kind of fucking amazing. Unfettered videogames. The moment I understand how the fuck you're supposed to pull off a Crazy Drift it's over for you all.

If ever you feel the meter calling, the PC version of the game is easily available in a simple google search. Be sure to use the CT3Tweaks fan patch that adds certain optimisations, greater framerate and resolution support. The soundtrack is kind of hilariously bad but it's all stored in the root folder as .ogg files and I'm sure it'll be no problem to customise yourself.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2022


2 years ago

That tweet wasn't a joke??? I thought you'd dubbed that on it as a bit.

2 years ago


2 years ago

But why does the taxi need to be crazy? Why can't I just have a normal taxi?

2 years ago

Holy shit you can replace the music? Finally i can play some Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis with my radical taxi game!

1 year ago

To be fair, the soundtrack you used is, uh, exclusive to the pirated PC version of the game, and was probably a gift from the hackers to the community; both the original Xbox version, and its PC port used different soundtracks, as you can see here https://vgost.fandom.com/wiki/Crazy_Taxi_3:_High_Roller