7 reviews liked by BeanBoi920

I'm not the biggest metroidvania fan, I normally get burned out playing them, but this maintained my attention the whole way through, the last section is really damn intense! I'm not going to give any spoilers since I believe it's best if people walk in blind! The puzzles are largely straightforward if you stand still and think about them, but they can have some severe difficulty spikes in certain portions. The only negative aspects I can think of are that the ladder can be awkward to climb at times, and the spikes are difficult to see when doing platform jumping with the bubble! The jumping felt fluid and smooth and the world's colours and animal designs were fantastic. the game rewards discoverability with cool items to progress the map, The boss battles were enjoyable and some were even creepy! This is my favourite game of the year so far, which I was not expecting to say when I started playing it. It makes me want to play other greats of the genre, which is the highest compliment I can give it.

For the ones that say FES/portable is better, take your pills. If anything, this is the best way to end off the whole p3 ordeal, cuz i don't see it needing a rework any sooner than 50 years. Fucking peak.

It’s the most perfect remake I could’ve ever asked for. The new voice cast are all incredible and Strega were an unexpected highlight. Peak gaming this shit changed my life

I just played this for 12 hours straight thats how determined I was to finish this game personally rank it my third favourite fromsoft game for the time being still gotta play dark souls 2 and 3 and bloodborne if it ever arrives on pc the worldbuilding and lore is definitely a strong point here combat was not as refining as we would see in later titles felt slow and not that fun. I enjoyed most boss fights, except for Bed of Chaos, which was the worst boss fight I've ever fought on a fromsoft game. Unfortunately, I got the bad ending because I was stubborn and refused to look at guides for help except for one or two things, so my next playthrough will be me going for all achievements/trophies.

Peak. Capcom has been absolutely demolishing their RE titles ever since 6 nearly destroyed their reputation, lol. Absolutely fan-fucking-tastic.

Nearly three years after its release, the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update arrives to set up the well needed foundation for a brand new game experience to come with the game's first, and probably only, expansion DLC. This update has rebuilt a majority of the game, including a revamp of combat, completely new skill trees, a new cyberware system, proper police behavior and reactions to crimes, vehicle combat, UI rehauls, and more. Combat feels amazing between the weapon refinements and a ton of new abilities brought in through the skill trees, and the new cyberware changes, partly inspired by the anime, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, lets you sacrifice your humanity for more power. The game feels a lot more streamlined now, with much of the "looter shooter" aspects toned back, like changing grenades and healing packs to permanent, rechargeable abilities instead of having to amass a collection of items picked up from the world. The addition of vehicle combat, and armed vehicles, only adds to the amount of mischief you can get into, and thankfully, police have been redone to walk the streets and react realistically to crimes around them instead of teleporting in at the end of the block. For a completely free update, the 2.0 update has done a lot to make Cyberpunk 2077 feel like the AAA masterpiece title that it should have been in 2020.