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Okay listen. I love this game's soundtrack. I love Lammy as a character. I'm so happy that she's confirmed to be a canon lesbian. I love the idea of this game a whole lot.

But this game is just not fun for me to play. It's twice as unforgiving as PaRappa 1 was with timing. I can't tell you how many times I had to hear "START ALL OVER. YOU SHOULD BE BANNED FROM EVERY GAME." Not to mention it doesn't even give you little breaks between "lessons" like PaRappa did. This game expects a lot from you. Too much, you could argue.

Despite all that, like I said, I do love the idea of this game a whole lot. I love the world, I love the characters (most of them), I love the music, I love everything that doesn't involve me holding a controller in my hands. This is the kind of game that I enjoy more when someone else plays and I watch.