I'm really sad that this game got off on the wrong foot with so many people because once you get past the tutorial it's actually a really solid racing game. There are some things I could do without (primarily the rival AI characters having unfair item odds and stats) but even with all that I still think it's at least worth giving a try. I hope this game's reputation recovers so people start making mods for it

It's also worth saying that, online/addons aside, unlocking stuff in this game is actually really fun sometimes. Like when you have to explore the maps in free play to find secrets or do unusual things during races. There are a lot of fun surprises you can unlock that I feel won't be as special if you just use an "unlock everything" code.

This game wants to be Rhythm Heaven but I feel like it doesn't grasp what made Rhythm Heaven so enjoyable. There's so little weight to everything you do, both in terms of visuals and audio. It never really feels satisfying to get the timing right. Everything feels stiff and static and quiet. I get that they're going for a chill lo-fi vibe but you can do that without sacrificing the feedback the player gets from playing well

As far as post-hiatus Homestar Runner stuff goes, this was pretty good! I had kinda felt that this series was leaning a little too far into in-jokes and call-backs so I was glad to see this game put more focus on just, y'know, regular jokes. (The call-backs and stuff are still there and plentiful, but you're not gonna be completely lost if you don't get them)
The voice acting is great as always, and there's a lot of funny lines and interactions hidden in the many, many lines you get by looking at, talking to, and trying to get/use everything you can click on. My one complaint is that trying to find "hidden actions" (achievements) can get really frustrating in the second and third episodes, given how easy it is to accidentally advance the story and how obtuse the hints can be. But that's not really gonna matter if you're just playing casually

As someone who played the original to death, I can tell you this is a pretty damn faithful remake. I do have a few nitpicks (a lot of sound effects play at the wrong pitch and none of the returning cousins have the redesigns they got in the original) but if you're playing for the first time that won't really matter.

The new content is, unfortunately, definitely the weakest part of this game. The Royal Reverie levels are boring at best and frustrating at worst, with significantly more awkward translation than the rest of the game. The Namco stickers, while cute, require you to constantly be wearing the camera accessory if you want to actually interact with them (though, to be fair, the camera being an equipable accessory was a problem in the original as well).

Still, both of these are purely optional and can be ignored without any consequences. If you've never experienced the original PS2 game before, I'd definitely recommend picking it up. Maybe if it does well enough, we can convince them to port Katamari Forever next...

I was really, really, really angry at this game when it came out, as were a lot of Paper Mario fans, but, like, look. It's been over a decade now. We need to stop pretending this game is the worst thing to ever grace this earth. It's underwhelming for sure but we have to move on. Please. I'm not the spry and energetic 15-year-old I was when this game came out. I don't have the energy to be mad about this game anymore. Just let this game go.

To echo what someone in my friend circle said, this game makes me feel like a wild animal. That feeling you get when you're plowing through enemies and dashing and jumping through a level trying to get all the secrets and collectibles without losing any speed is just. indescribable. Once you get into the groove it's hard to stop

For all the graphical bugs and lack of features that previous games had, I still had a really fun time playing this. It's got a solid lineup of Pokemon both returning and new, and the human cast is probably some of the most consistently fun and charming in the series. This is also definitely the most fun I've ever had exploring in a Pokemon game; being able to glide, fly, and swim seamlessly with Miraidon was a blast the whole way through. There are definitely things I want to be in this game that aren't (the ability to wear anything besides a school uniform being the biggest one), but what is here is really good.

$20 for ONE character??? How do you guys put up with this???

Unironically I think Andrew Hussie enjoyed writing this more than he enjoyed writing the latter half of Homestuck

Because of some weird legal nonsense, the only voiced Simpsons characters in this game are those voiced by Dan Castellanetta, and only using archive audio from old Simpsons episodes. Despite this, for some reason they chose to make an adaptation of an episode that focuses heavily on Homer's relationship with Marge

Can't say I've played that many homebrew Game Boy games, but for a quick little diversion to celebrate Trogdor's birthday I suppose it's alright. In any case it's cool to see the Brothers Chaps-- I mean, Videlectrix dipping their toes into non-Flash game formats.

Love the soundtrack, love the characters, love the vibes, love the story, absolutely could not stand the combat. It was not fun for me at all and I never felt like I had a grasp on it even at the very end of the game

Here are my loose unorganized thoughts on this game based on what I can remember from playing it like half a year ago:
-The tutorial fairy is cute
-The little story bits in general are cute, even if it's yet another soft reboot of the Pac-Man universe
-Music's pretty good
-The controls are weird as hell and they make my hands hurt

I really enjoyed this game. It has a few hiccups but overall it's probably the most satisfied I've been with a 3D Sonic game in at least a decade. Great story, great writing, lots of nice callbacks to older games, and the open world exploration is a lot more fun than I was expecting it to be. The cyberspace stages are a bit of a mixed bag, but they're short enough that they never feel too intrusive. And if you don't wanna do any of that you can just go fishing with Big. There's not a lot to the fishing minigame but you can pretty much skip like 50% of the game with the rewards you get from it, if you want to. Also you get to spend time with Big.

As far as rhythm games go, this is definitely one of the better ones I've played. Plus, it doubles as a nice recap of the Kingdom Hearts series up to Kingdom Hearts III (minus the mobile games). My only real complaint would be the omissions from the song list. None of the Gummi Ship themes appear, III only gets a single track per world (with one world not showing up at all), and 100 Acre Wood is nowhere to be seen.