Such a cool game. The puzzles are super fun to wrap your head around. They are super well designed and leverage the multiple worlds theme brilliantly. They're the kinda puzzles that make you feel good about yourself without getting frustrated if you don't get it at first. Admittedly, most of them are not too difficult but thats fine with me. A few of them, especially towards the end, blew me away with how cool they layered the mechanics on top of one another. I did not expect there to be boss fights, but I am very happy for them. They are fun to figure out and to play which can be a difficult balance to strike. Playdead always excelled at creating a really neat atmosphere, so it is not a surprise that this game does so as well. Each world has its own unique vibe to it while keeping the barren, wistful tone of the overall experience. It also tells a pretty neat story that I was not wise enough to fully parse out until reading up on it afterward so take from that what you will.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
