I was smiling for like a good 3/4ths of this game, and it was really fun to play coop. I have never been a great artist, but this game makes it fun to just try whatever comes to mind, especially in the art classes. The world and characters are great to interact with, and the quests you do with them are extremely soulful. The soundtrack for this game is pretty great. The song for Dinners goes off. I'd say my main two issues with the game are the boss fights and lulls in the story. The boss fights feel like they have a lot of missed potential. I like the concept of them but like you don't even die to them and the whole experience feels a bit clunky and too low stakes. The story gets a bit redundant at times especially when you have these long conversations with chicory that just kinda feel like repetitions of things that were already stated in a different way. However, overall, this is a great experience to try out and is unlike most games I have played before.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2022
