This is the one people supposedly hate???

This game is different as it feels less explosive (for lack of better term) than the previous 2 entries and wants to take it's time and it helps tremendously. The orphanage and Okinawa setting let us focus on a side of Kiryu we don't really see much of in 1 or 2 and it’s done very well. And as always, the other characters are all fantastic.

Also important to note that the combat is perfectly fine as is. All that's demanded is to just learn the combos which, by this point, I have long since done.

Phenomenal game

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2023


5 months ago

Yeah this is the one people hate for no good reason. Thanks for being on the side of Yakuza 3.

5 months ago

Play 4. That one is special.

5 months ago

PS3 gang

5 months ago

@stellatus I played the remaster, I just felt like ranking this since it's the same game