August, 2023



8h 24m

Played through chapter 2 & 3!



2h 54m


It's finally time to completly play this game! Today I played through chapter 1.



2h 42m

More online matches with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent. But this time Vincent's girlfriends also joined.

July, 2023


3h 34m

Did all of the Simulated universe stuff for this week while talking to some friends.

5h 58m

I spent most of today renovating our house and making some new sims for my save file.
I did play a little bit and I got stelle her own horse I name it stellaron.


2h 48m

First things first I spent some time making a family tree, it's still a wip so for now I won't share it yet.
Afterwards I decided that it was time to end Junko and Ophelia's relationship, so I followed Junko's mid life crisis and make her cheat with 5 people and this obviously ended in a divorce so now Stelle and Ophelia are alone. Stelle also grew up from a toddler to a child.

2h 14m

I wanted to make a honkai video but my computer just cannot handle recording this game so I did the weekly Simulated universe stuff instead and I beat World 5 for the first time!


6h 48m

We finally made it to the Artisan Commision where we met Master Gongshu, he helped us through the Comission until we faced the Ebony Deer who has some kind of healing power so we had to retreat so we could figure out a way to disable his healing powers. After exploring the Commision we destroyed the Ambrosial Arbor Coils wich gave him his healing power. So we barely defeated him!! Anyway we said goodbye to Gongshu and finally made it to the Alchemy commision where we found out that the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus were causing havoc, after we made it to Fu Xuans camp we got all the info that we needed so now all we have to do is wait for Fu Xuan to come back and give us intel.



1h 35m

Played a few boards with @MitchellGSPR.

3h 17m

Played some 200cc cups, I really want Golden Mario but 200cc isn't fun at all though : (.



1h 4m

Started chapter 3's B-side.

2h 25m

Played through the mushroom bonus levels.


12h 16m

Okay I got the new Horsie pack!!!! I looked at everything new and then I moved my family to Chestnut Ridge and spent hours building a small ranch but it was worth it.
Then I adopted a horse who I called Mana, I was a little stupid though I accidentially adopted an elder horse so he probably won't live long, but I'll love him until the end. Ophelia also became a LV 3 Spelcaster wich is a little random but I just wanted to say it.
Then lastly Junko (Ophelia's wife) got her early midlife crisis and she wants to divorce my character wich is very sad I tried to let them go on dates but Junko doesn't want to and she's very mean to my sim, if she continues like this I'll divorce her or feed her to my cowplant. And 1 more thingie Stelle grew up into a toddler wich is very cute.


2h 57m

Yeah I wanted to collect my missed simulated universe rewards but I was too tired to get through it all : (.

5h 47m

TODAY IS WEDDING DAY WHOOOO, but first I did some preparations, Junko and Ophelia went to the Wedding stories world and bought all the necesities: Flowers, Wedding dress and a wedding cake! (Wich Junko accidentially ate before the wedding even started so no wedding cake I guess.) Also Ophelia became a LV 2 Spellcaster I know it's unrelated but it happened lol. Now it was time to invite guests etc, Caleb Vatore was the Sim of honor, and Father winter was our wedding officiant haha. A few days later the wedding happened and I gotta be honest this was one of the first weddings that functioned properly since the pack came out.
After the wedding Ophelia got pregnant with Junko through Sims 4 Magic and after a few days little Stelle was born, She will be the character I am gonna use in the horse ranch Pack!! Oh and I chose the name Stelle because of Honkai: Star rail lol.


7h 21m

I am finally back playing with Ophelia :D. Well okay before I continued playing with my sim I added some new townies and delted the standard ones (except for the vampires, werewolves etc). And the reason is I am keeping them for when the time is right so I can include all my favorite townies in the life of my sims!! Okay now back to Ophelia, I spent most of my time working on her career and Spelcaster level I am a LV 1 mage now so that was exciting! I did get a curse though, a curse where I always get into magical fights wich is quite annoying but managable. I also became besties with Caleb Vatore and threw an amazing house party so my sim is living the dream life.
Okay now time for the big announcement, Ophelia proposed to Junko right infront of the Magic Realm portal!! Junko also asked if she could move in so I said yes and gave both of them a hughe makeover.


12h 0m


Finished the remaining levels of world 6 and I played through world 7 & 8 as well! Meaning I finished the main game, but after the end credits I unlocked a galaxy world which I completly played through as well. I thought this was the secret world BUT NO, I unlocked another world wich I will finish next time haha.



1h 27m

Made my first golden relic for Silverwolf and it was decent, could have been way better tbh.


3h 32m

Okay so 1.2 released which means new stuff!! I checked out all of the new stuff and decided that I am gonna skip blade and save up for Kafka, Fu Xuan etc.
Also I made a hughe mistake, I did the 3th Equilibrium trial and I regret it, I thought I would have enough stuff to level up some characters but I could barely level 3 characters up so now I can't really change between characters anymore wich makes me kinda upset, OH YEAH and I unlocked golden relics so the true nightmare starts.


0h 38m

Tried to record a video but the files crashed.


5h 4m

First things first we helped Fu Xuan repair the Matrix of prescience, after finishing that we got the chance to interogate Kafka and she gave us some very interesting intel, But she escaped with Blade. We also got to see a small portion from Dan Heng's POV where wo got to know luocha and Sushang better. After Kafka's escape we met up with Jing Yuan who told us about the Ambrosial Arbor that started growing again because some traitors put a stellaron into it, so it's our duty to help the Luofo with the Ambrosial Arbor (or better know as the VERY BIG TREE lol). So next time Megumi, March 7th, Welt and Tingyun have to travel to the Artisanship Commision.

0h 38m

Played a few rounds while talking with my friends.

2h 38m

Played the new Booster Courses with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent.


1h 54m

Leveled up a few characters and replayed a bit of simulated Universe!


1h 14m


Played this game for the first time ever and it's quite fun and addicting.


2h 37m

Played through Acorn Plains and Layer-Cake Desert with my mom.

1h 48m

Playtested most of my levels.