October, 2023


3h 58m

Played through the entirety of Chapter 4: Alpine Skyline!

0h 42m

Did another recording session but this one turned out quite fun so I am editing this one!


5h 42m

Worked a lot on leveling Luka and the Main character. After doing all the leveling I did some MOC and Swarm Disaster to test out my new builds.


4h 17m

Gave Amy some new clothes and I renovated her house quite a bit. I've also been starting to look for a guy who could date her. So far the only one who looks interesting is a sim called Baby Yang.


7h 6m

Build a staircase leading up to where my village is gonna be. And I also did some mining.


4h 31m

My friend helped me improve my character builds.


4h 2m

Build a gym in Oasis Springs.


1h 47m


Started this game but it's honestly so frustrating.



4h 19m

1.4 release day. The Jingliu banner released but I think I am skipping her for now. Besides that I just did stuff.


1h 0m

Made another video I abandoned :/. I did have a lot of fun playing tbh.


4h 0m

Finally worked on my Fu Xuan and she's getting very good!


7h 20m

Played through Bailu's companion quest and worked on improving my characters a bit.


1h 22m

I GOT FU XUAN!!! I did have to spend a little money though.


1h 6m

Recorded a video that I never uploaded.


5h 31m

Gave some random generated sims a makeover and the rest of today was spent in the food stall lol.


7h 39m

Got the new Stuff Pack and it's actually quite fun! I gave amy a makeover and decided she isn't gonna be teacher anymore she is gonna be a food stall owner instead. So I spent all day making food using the new pizza oven and wafelmaker, and then selling it to sims all over the world.


3h 0m

Build a Legacy museum in Oasis Springs.

0h 55m

just some jade farming.

September, 2023


2h 45m

Played some SU while watching Twitch.


0h 57m

Just did some Gepard leveling.

1h 26m



Finished the whole game!

Started / Finished


3h 57m

Played Dan Heng IL's companion quest!!!


4h 5m

Finished chapter 2 + I got all the time pieces in this chapter! In the end DJ Groove won the award. I also finished the last few contracts from Snatcher in chapter 3 (Delivering the mail, Vanessa's Manor and fighting against the Toilet and Snatcher himself). After finishing these chapters Mustache girl broke into my ship and she stole all my time pieces >:(.

1h 54m

Played a bit of Simulated Universe while watching twitch.


2h 38m

Played Luocha's Companion quest.


2h 0m

Just some Simulated Universe.


4h 6m

So Fu Xuan released and I did a few pulls for her, I didn't get her sadly enough :(. I did get lynx though.


4h 52m

Started chapter 2 Battle of the birds!! So far I helped the Conductor solve the murder and Dj Groove helped me become a DIVA. I wanted to play the whole chapter but I needed a badge from Chapter 3 SOOO I also met the snatcher he took my soul and I helped him with the fire spirits and Subcon Well.


4h 48m

I've spent a lot of today trying to get Gepard on level with my other characters but it's hard. Besides this I spent a lot of time in the simulated universe and Forgotten Halls.


1h 57m

Just did some random levels.