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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 12, 2023

First played

November 2, 2023

Platforms Played


Quite a letdown after fantastic Control (2019). Too preoccupied with it's own "twistedness", ending up tangled instead of complex. Mostly comes off as a subpar David Lynch/Stephen King fan fiction but has genuinely inspired moments throughout. Mechanically laborious in Alan's sections, spatially repetitive in Saga's sections. Quite a bit up it's own ass (constant self-referential jokes grew tired faster than one can say "garmonbozia"), but the long-time fans of Remedy (such as myself) would find much of it harmless and amusing at the very least.

My problems with it are too many to count and yet I found myself playing long sessions every single time, so ultimately it all worked out somehow. And yeah, the decision to end on a cliff hanger is puzzling and very questionable, considering how NOT popular this Remedy IP is. That's one David Lynch trait they should've avoided.