This game is actually a lot of fun to play, but the manual gives you a pretty bad map for only the first level of three, so drawing your own map on paper is much advised.

There is a lot of the usual unfair nintendo-hard difficulty stuff going on here. Despite that, I got all the way to the final boss which is so ridiculously unfair, that I ran out of patience and called the game beat.

If you can deal with some pretty shoddy 90's game design and have the patience to memorize or draw maps, this can be a fun play.

Devil May Cry 2 is a game that exists. I played this right after beating DMC1. The first game is far more fun than this one is, but I was still able to get some fun out of this mediocre game playing as Dante and choosing not to just spam guns because I can.

Lucia, on the other hand, she just... isn't fun to play IMO. I beat her story as well, but unlike with Dante, I spammed her knives instead of trying to learn and combo her attacks.

This... certainly exists. I think I beat it but I don't want to rate it.

I beat Providence with the Bandit, not sure if i'll play much more but I had fun while I did.