6 reviews liked by Besque

Cute Idea! really short, really cheap. That unreal engine sure looks pretty.
I think there's room to expand on this idea further, and could be expanded upon via VR, or other immersive additions, etc.

Playing this whilst streaming it to friends made me paranoid I missed something everytime I walked towards the exit.

this game made me scream like a little girl for the first time in my life, that being said, it's full of cheap jumpscares and the plot is weak, it's like a bad netflix movie you put on before bed just to push yourself to sleep.

Have so much love for this game. It’s what got me into space as a kid. It’s just such a lovely experience to go back to every few years. The music is one of the best soundtracks for any game period. The characters, levels, skyboxes, the tiny details in the textures, all of it I just love.

I was in the hospital because reasons and they had a Wii and a Wii U in the lobby so kids could play games on there. And so me and my brother played Smash for 5 whole hours. I mained R.O.B cause he looked funny.