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Borderlands 1 on steroids, the weapons are better, the story more engaging, the replay-ability more enjoyable and handsome Jack is even more handsome. I don’t think I’ve had this much fun trying to break something since my nans cat scratched the shit out of my arm. I have nearly 600 hours logged and have killed Bunk3r upwards of 50 times and still no 94 sham

Borderlands is a groundbreaking genre defining title being the first looter shooter to genuinely be fun, as opposed to a certain game title that rhymes with bestiny that require more grinding than a male stripper. It’s one of the few games where the comedy not only makes you laugh but enriches the world, characters and stories. The final boss defies all expectations changing how the player views their main goal in all following titles. It can’t conquer a slight dip in elevation thoudgh.

I’m from Britain and can confirm that the opening to this game is the most accurate representation we will ever get in gaming. Every boss will have you cursing every single person behind this game and wishing that they were forced into a situation akin to a saw trap. They will also have you sitting in public with Ludwig the Holy Blade OST blasting in your ears due to the absolute insanity of this games soundtrack. From soft will never capture the same level of brutality and visceral bloodshed that bloodborne encapsulates. Micolash deserves to have more than just his fucking head put in a cage after the torment he has caused me. Don’t even get me started on that absolute rat bastard, flaming asshole, eardrum shattering incarnation of all that is wrong with the world Laurence.