One of the best arcade machines of all time imo. The pinnacle of rail shooters.

Horribly over-hated game. I honestly think this might be tied with Halo 2 for the best gun play in the entire series, and that is partially due to the amazing sound design and feel the guns have. For the first time in a Halo game, the basic assault rifle is actually a fun and viable weapon to use against other spartans. It feels like more than any other halo game, you can use any weapon you want and get good results from them which is significantly more interesting than everyone just using the battle rifle with an occasional power weapon. The advanced mobility is also pretty well done too, even if it isn't quite as good as something like Titan fall. I still think Halo 2 is better over all, but this games multiplayer and gameplay did not deserve all the hate it got.

Still a very good game but probably the weakest out of the main 3D Zelda titles. I think the problem with this game is so many things you do to progress your character involve several tedious little tasks. If you want a better inventory, you better slowly travel all those Koroks to their destination, if you want to not get one-shot by all the enemies, you need to grind out materials. Want more health and stamina? Well you better find and finish as many shrines as possible. All these things would not be such a big deal on their own, but they started to add up as i played through the game. It also would help if the building mechanic was just a bit more consistent and easier to handle. After awhile all those little grindy things you do, every time you need to help a dude fix his sign, and every little contraption you have to put together just feels like chores. Another very odd thing I noticed is that through the dragon tears flashbacks, the game can literally spoil its own story?? Like the flashbacks in botw made sense to be out of order, because they were not telling you the story, but simply adding context to what was told in the introduction. This time around, they just are the main way the story is delivered, which has no reason to be out of order. Again, I want to reiterate that this is not a bad game. It is actually very fun in small doses, and looks and plays as best it possibly could given the hardware; I just wish it felt more consistently entertaining. I beat the 4 main dungeons, did a bunch of shrines, and explored the open world a pretty good amount. Eventually I will come back and finish the game.

Here we fucking go I fucking love BurgerTime so fucking much I can't even put it into words.

Go back to the barrel, change character, get different colored banana.

Whenever i'm having a shit day, I turn on some All Time Low and New Found Glory albums and play this game; then I immediately feel better.

I think there is a game in my ads.