I woke up drunk, fought a pile of crap, became a God to a bunch of cavemen, and then stormed the beaches of Normandy. 10/10

Good immersive shooter, but needs 100% of you and your teams focus, which is something you wont always get in every server.

Fun as a kid, but avoid the wii version. This port is filled with bugs and weird visual glitches.

Three of the best 3D platformers of all time for only 40-30 dollars?! Count me in.

Amazing and creative level design that has been missing from AAA gaming for a while. One could argue that this is the best in the series and I could totally see it. The cutscenes are amazingly animated and the characters a likeable and funny. The only thing that holds this game back is 100% completion requirements. I have only dabbled in it, but I feel like I would end up a skeleton if I actually did everything there was to do. Great game regardless though.

Okay so let me start of with what I like about this game.
-Introduced me to the rest of the series and became my favorite game franchise for many years
-some of the levels are honestly some of the best the crash games have to offer
-A lot of gameplay variety so you wont get bored.
-Relaxing sort of mood within many levels

Here is what I didn't like.
-Ugly character designs for the villans
-Only one character as a boss

This game is weird because it isn't all that bad really, it just has a lot of little things that start to add up. I personally dont mind vehicle levels in platformers and find them to be a mostly nice change of pace, but here EVERY OTHER LEVEL IS A VEHICLE STAGE. A lot of it feels wasted because some of these cool vehicles are only used once or twice in the entire game and some of them are just not fun at all like the mech or minecart. The levels where you are actually playing as crash and coco are extremely satisfying though, and some of the best levels the series has to offer. Not really bad, but I cant really call it a great game either due to the lack of direction.

Absolutely awesome. If you like shooters and have game pass, play it. You wont regret it.

This was fun as frick if you had a sibling to play it with.

The multiplayer might be fun with friends, but no one wants to play this game lol.

I loved it my first time playing and even 100% completed it, but upon further inspection, it does not live up to the first game. Still fun though.

Fun level design and good character variety. The only problem is they had to stretch the hell out of this movie in order to make a decently long game for it. Once you get to the level where you are getting Chewbacca "Wookie Cookies" you will see what I mean lol.

Not perfect, but like 1000x better than Halo Infinite.

I remember having my mind blown by this games graphics when it came out thinking it could never get any better. Sucks that it has no content unless you have the season pass though.