Played at launch of the Series X. Was a pretty fun cover shooter that kept me entertained to the end. Nothing too special, but fun.

As a kid, I liked this game WAYYYY more than enter the dragonfly (the only other Spyro game I had on my ps2). That does not say that much though, because this game has an insane difficulty spike once you get to the pirate arena. I bet most people dropped it after that, but It was exceedingly satisfying to finally conquer that portion. To this day its still the only Spyro game I have fully finished.

I used to be a Halo fan until I played this game.

100x better than Infinite. For the first time in a Halo game, the guns are punchy and satisfying to use! Binary rifle is the best game in the entire series and I hate that they wont bring it back.

Good level design and fun characters and dialogue. Good game, but some of the guns feel like crap to use. The assault rifle just tickles the enemies and sounds like a freaking nerf gun lol.

Not bad, but I enjoyed this the least out of the first 3 games. Many of the guns are projectile based rather than hit scan, which really threw me off after having played halo 2.

Super short and kinda buggy but still an awesome roller coaster ride that builds off of the abilities and mechanics of the first game. Only complaint is that there are less boss battles than the first.

Even better than the first.

Terrifying and engaging on the first playthrough.

Super hard, but hilarious and awesome.

Fun, but only with a friend.