6 reviews liked by BioEvil

Devastating cultural impact. We will never recover.

watched my friend stream this and the absolute volume peak as we collectively screamed in utter disbelief that the game just ENDS was more memorable that any asset, puzzle, item, texture or sound kept within

honestly maybe the worst game i've ever seen but hardly as personally offensive as ddlc.

western game devs be like "okay time to make a quirky visual novel as a joke because... erm.... THAT'S not weird....????" and then make it actually compelling challenge

i don't know what to tell you man. the art's good because the idw team is behind it, of course it's good. writing is average modern sonic fare; "earnest" to a point but constantly self referential with 2010s "quirky" humor and already-dated meme references. music is inoffensive but unmemorable. id take this over the so quirky omg!!!! xD dating sim route that loser-ass companies like blizzard take (amazed they could release something involving consensual relationships) but this shtick is really really tired and the game just wasn't good enough to justify the joke. minigame sucked too.

banger. five stars. love the weather changes, love the music, love the models, love the fucked up unbearable physics. just learn to have some fackin fun mate

If you don't close the game using Task Manager, it keeps playing Super Sonic Racing in the background.

Easily one of the best games to play every 9/11.