i was playing fifa when suddenly i pulled 7 yukari yakumos how did she even get in

they made a game about genderbent Youmu? what?

this game is the devil split in three parts but that girl that i forgot the name is so pretty

in what other game could you have Sakuya Izayoi, Max Payne and Neku Sakuraba in the same game?? answer: mugen

i had to was my eyes with holy water after i discovered you can have virtual sex in this "game"

crouch and spam triangle to win. game fucking sucks but you can play as bob so all is forgiven

my game froze when i had to vent metal gear solid style as maggie

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Yuki was the best minor character why did she get killed wahhhhh this game SUCKS!!!!!!

"i wish satoko gets beated up to death when i see her" mfs when I AM the one BEATING THEM TO DEATH

Infidel, i crush a plane into your mother.

ok i know this was never released and it was only for the chinese government but imagine how funny would be if the collection that was supposed to make the chinese government rethink about video games had games like takeshi's challenge

hyper realistic water in poly settings

yeah ok might as well get a huge black screen with the words "fuck you" blinking at the center of the screen and in red arial font

did the phantom thieves just shipped toshiro with his own mom what the heck