Pretty hard to ignore how this game revolutionised FPS games as a genre, whilst providing an intriguing world and gripping story. This game has ages very well and could pass for an early Xbox 360 title if it was released in that era. The control scheme is intuitive and the gunplay is satisfying despite being somewhat frustrating at times due to a few bullet sponge enemies. The only reason I give this game the score I did is because of how much it is blown out of the water by its successor titles, which pays credence to how great the foundations layer by this excellent title were.

I feel like I enjoyed this game more than most. More of a reboot of Metroid 2 than a remake, especially after playing Dread does it become clear how this is essentially just a prequel to that game above all else. The gameplay is pretty great, I love the combat (melee counter mostly) and the bosses are pretty fun. I also really enjoyed a lot of the new additions, especially the new final boss... The soundtrack was quite lacking though, a theme which unfortunately continues in Metroid Dread.

Probably the pinnacle of the genre, excellent combat, visuals, bosses and level design. Soundtrack still lacking here but the ending was so phenomenal I'm not docking points