As someone who only plays roguelikes occasionally, this is the first time I have ever become addicted to one. Not that the other ones are bad, this one just appeals to me the most. Having a story in a procedurally generated dungeon crawler works better than I ever thought it could. The gameplay loop is incredibly fun and varied with the introduction of multiple weapons and the pacts. It never seems to get old. I can always waste the day away with escape attempts. The characters are all interesting and eclectic. Honestly, it's one of the best indie games I've ever played. One of the all time greats.

There is literally nothing else I can say about this game that someone else hasn't said yet. Just refer to any positive review of this game and it is my exact thoughts.

Despite everything, I ended up really enjoying this game. It is just too fun to be a bad game. Fundamentally it is a well built game. It just needed more time to cook. And I let it. I waited 2 years after launch to give it another chance. I always knew the game had the potential to be great.

There are only two things that really brings this down for me.
1. There are too many things to do.

It seems like a dumb complaint. Oh no! There is too much content! But, I think it is a real problem for games like this. I think that in a weird backwards way, it can end up making the world feel smaller. When you are doing the same things over and over again, the immersion is broken. You can tell they added all this stuff to pad out run time. And that leads to my second complaint.

2. The main story is too short and the ending feels unsatisfying

They had to add tons of repetitive stuff to distract from the fact that the main story is INCREDIBLY short. Because it is so short, it leads to the ending being very unsatisfying. Both in the way that it leaves you wanting more AND wanting more from the characters. There isn't enough character development for the main characters, let alone the side characters. Everyone is very charming, but I wanted more depth from all of them.

The game is incredibly fun to play. Infinitely replayable with the different playstyles and romance options. It is what saves the game in the end, and is why I have 150 hours in game with just one playthrough. And with it being a game, I would say the gameplay is the most important part.