Meh, it's Twin Peaks without the reflexivity or innovative digital photography. I guess if you like Twin Peaks for COFFEE and wacky humour, this will be your thing.

Faux-surrealist drivel. Seriously, this equivocation of surrealism with 'wackiness' and 'trippiness' in contemporary culture needs to fucking stop. Surrealism is Stroheim and Chaplin, not this hot garbage.

Miss the days of goofy ass FMV games

The ultimate parody of retarded video game design

I like John Woo man, what can I say?

Despite Vice City ripping off the movie wholesale, it took an actual video game adaptation to get the whole "so sick of winning" satire of the movie.

Arguably THE defining artwork of the 21st century so far

The logical endpoint to video games as 'escapist' entertainment argument, with exactly as much piss and shit as you would expect.


Yeah, I get the whole genre autocritique angle, but this still screams of Rockstar getting lazy and cashing in on the zombie trend of the early 2010s.

What the POTUS pictures when he sends in the CIA to spread freedom and democracy