Childhood game that felt like a 10/10.

Same issues as in Paldea + the map is even worse?
Ogerpon is incredible.

The game is extremely funny.
I do not care if a game is PS1 quality, if it is funny it remains a good game. Unfortunately, this game is not ps1 quality, we are just talking about horrible design choices, bugs, glitch, poor camera effects, and other things, all because the game was rushed. If only TPC took a couple of years more to make this game it would have been one of the best PKMN games.

They forgot to put an ending into the main game and they put it here.

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Buggy Buggy Buggy.
Nice idea to use the lights into the gameplay like that, but for me it became boring soon.

Slowly done 1st play-through with my girlfriend.
Amazing game; maybe the best one I've ever played.

Incredible game play; I love the skill tree. The story starts very strong but the ending is bland.
DLC on Alan Wake 3/5.
DLC on Foundation 5/5 (tho some parts are tedious af), given a proper ending to the game.

(This is probably just for PS players) The game has some serious lag issues when you open the menu. Also terrible that if you reload a mission after the endgame, you lose all the progress you have done (post-final mission) and there is no in-game way to differentiate that. Why would you want to do that (besides replaying a mission)? Well there is a trophy on AW DLC which is bugged, so you may have to reload. (You can use cloud saving to fix this).

Would have been 4.5/5 without these technical problems.

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Third playthrough I do; this time on ps4.
The game is perfect if you don't try to get all the achievements/the platinum. NKG is already hard enough; the Pantheons are insanely difficult.