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velanova earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

2 days ago

velanova finished Sonic Unleashed
Definition of a cult classic. Even with all its flaws this is an incredibly fun time made with genuine passion and ambition and talent that Sonic Team no longer has. The Pixar-esque graphical style and renditions of real world countries are stunning for 2008 and the sheer sense of speed as you're blasting through tearing up everything in your path is still insane. The day levels are the most well designed in the series in my opinion - they've never grown old for me after hundreds of runs with their crazy setpieces, high difficulty and perfect length. And after levelling up skills the Werehog has surprising depth to his moveset which I think people didn't give a fair shake. It goes without saying that the OST is god tier. This is my 11th time completing the story, I love just sitting down and running the whole thing in one afternoon. On Xbox Series in its full 60fps glory it's an immensely different more responsive experience and I truly believe it's one of the best 3D platformers of all time. Makes me happy that it's had a bit of a critical re-evaulation in recent years

3 days ago

7 days ago

velanova is now playing Koudelka

7 days ago

velanova finished Xenogears
Finally finished this and it genuinely blew me away. One of the most ambitious games ever made with a scope that still feels huge decades later. Probably the most deep, unpredictable and utterly insane story I've seen in the medium. It covers any themes they could get past the censors - mental health, organized religion, free will, classism, genocide to name a few. (I don't think the ESRB played past 10 hours.) The presentation is outstanding with dynamic in-engine cutscene direction not over-relying on FMVs. It's a wonderful looking work in general with 2D sprites in dense 3D scifi environments and awesome mech / biblical / eldritch designs. When a lot of other RPGs on the console were using prerendered backgrounds these fully explorable multi-level populated towns seemed magic. The 360 camera made me feel like I was peering into little dioramas. I also enjoy the combat! Fighter style combo inputs either on foot or in giant mechs with complex mechanics and amazing animation.

It's well known that the developers ran out of time and money on the second disc and it becomes apparent with how the storytelling style suddenly changes and it's not nearly as open. This can even be felt in the music with how there isn't nearly enough unique tracks to cover all the different scenes and locations. So Xenogears is categorically unfinished. Disc 1 is really consistent though and by itself is more compelling and fully featured than other entire games. It was one of the longest of its day. If Square had given the team what they needed to complete it as fully envisioned with a Final Fantasy tier budget, it coulda been the best damn RPG ever. Even with those limitations and some frustrating moments, I think Disc 2 really picked up and reeled me back in, and the last hours were peak fiction.

I don't love everything about Xenogears, even the story - it's definitely not flawless and could be brutal to get through at times so I wouldn't usually give a "10/10" BUT I strongly feel that it's a work of art. That rating represents the huge impression it made on me and my respect for the vision and creativity. Anything less wouldn't be right. It continually impressed me for 50 hours and the gameplay remained fun. It's not easily recommendable because of its unintuitive design and sluggish English text speed (you NEED to apply a text speed code). But if you love Chrono Trigger and FF7 you owe it to yourself to try it out... I consider them a holy trinity of sorts.

9 days ago

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