It's a masterpiece.

Everybody's got one niche game from their childhood that they'll die on any hill for, and this is mine. I will stand by this being one of the greatest puzzle games ever made. There is truly nothing else like it. I wish every day for a sequel so I can have new puzzles to solve in this form. I love the story, the characters, the environments, the puzzles, everything. You've got to play this game.

Please make a sequel capcom

"Finished" the game in a week in High School. Was funny to put the log dates in using steam achievement dates.

Top 5 games of all time for me - between story mode and GTA Online, I have had more fun playing this game than almost anything else. I play through the entire story like once a year, and find new things every time. If the massive story with all of its side missions somehow gets boring, there's an infinite amount of things to do online. Rockstar doesn't do the best job supporting this game, but they've made something endlessly enjoyable that I will probably play forever. I will never get sick of driving around Los Santos in my car, bumpin El Sonidito.

I'll also say it's nearly impossible to find games that I enjoy this much that I can also enjoy with my sister. The sheer quantity of content in GTA Online is so massive, and so approachable for every level of player. This game is a shadowplay clip generator, and I've had endless fun/memories playing this with my sister and cousin. If GTA 6 flops I'll be distraught, because at this point it is my most anticipated game release.

Masterpiece platformer. It's fast, it's interesting, it's got good level design. Almost no parts in the game in which I'm bored. Top 10 OST of all time. Great art direction / environments. Challenge scales well and goes on much higher than the average game. I've beaten this about ~10x over, and will do so many times more. Could be the best 2D platformer of all time.

I can't help but be a sucker for sandbox games with friends - more for the experience than anything. Lacks polish, but makes up for it in mechanics/ideas. Props to them for taking the genre in a direction people have asked for for years. I hope they come out with updates big enough to draw me back, but for now, I've 'finished' this game and had a great time with friends.

One day I will beat Mammorest to death with my bare hands.

Very obviously a good game, but not really for me. Held my attention solidly for a week, but I could never really get too into it past that. Fun, but I think there's just too many other roguelikes I like much more, and I don't really love the genre to begin with. Beat it with 2 of the 3 base characters.

The best tower defense game ever made - so much so that it will probably ruin anything else in the genre for you. Endless content that keeps getting updated. New maps/towers/heroes are interesting, but new modes really keep the game interesting. Very obvious that the devs put love into this game. 1000+ hours in and will probably end up over 2000 some day.

No feeling quite like thinking you're in a good spot only to advance the turn and be checkmated by a queen 3 turns in the past and 2 timelines over. Took me hours to learn anything about this game and I still feel like I know almost nothing. I have never had a bad time playing this game. Only faults are that if you DO know how to play, there are consistent guaranteed ways to win depending on piece color for some formats, and also the password system to connect to other players online sucks. At least let me paste them into the game!

This is my favorite game of all time. Good amount of nostalgia involved, but it has held my interest continuously since the first time I played it. Great game, fantastic story, insane postgame content, etc. Will be playing this endlessly.