12 reviews liked by Bofus34

square game addon good

it's like base terraria with cocaine. banger music, bosses are on crack, cuts some of the grind, and also lore. sometimes i find it a bit unfairly difficult but that's probably skill issue.

My thoughts on this went from this ROCKS -> this is completely overwhelming -> THE THING I JUST MADE IS WORTHLESS ALREADY -> THIS ROCKS

Incredible expandation of an already wonderful game

when the mod is better than the base game

Still the best souls game overall. The atmosphere and thematic completeness of the setting, the slow and strategic combat, the varied and interconnected areas, and the restriction of fast travel makes this easily the best game I've ever played at immersing you into the feeling of being on a journey through a dangerous world.

The criticism that Dark Souls has a "bad second half" is incredibly exaggerated and has its root in the misguided ideas that gimmick = bad and the game is all about hard combat. There is one undeniably bad section, but one or two bad hours in a 40ish hour game (for a first playthrough) is hardly enough to make this not a masterpiece.

In the end, We really were Dark Souls: Remastered

This review was written before the game released

Want to play soccer?, go outside and grab a ball, oh and pressing L2 like an idiot doesn't mean you are a good player and the dribbling can be managed by a 4 year old or even an 84 old man, biggest piece of Dog $h1t.

wouldn't it be cool if you could date the dragon after you won hahah wouldn't that be really funny hahahahaha

This review was written before the game released

They removed my boy Bastion :(

the best multiplayer game of all time holy fuck