This game is real good when you don't have someone yapping in your ear how bad it is

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Genuinely the only thing keeping me from giving this game 5 stars is it's gameplay, it's so aggressively easy and simplistic it's boring. But the story, my god, probably one of my favorite stories of any Sonic game ever.

Never expected the blue hedgehog to teach me that death is inevitable and that's ok but hey, here we are.

Probably has one of my favorite antagonists in the franchise.

I think I might genuinely have more love in my heart for this game than any mainline Pokemon game. Deep seeded nostalgia and oh so many tears shed.

Is it a bit of a hot take to say this is my favorite Sonic game? Probably. Is it kind of a bad take? Probably. But that's how I feel.
I'm not even entirely sure how many times I've played this game, there's something about it that scratches an itch in my brain I didn't know was there.
And OH MY GOD THE STORY, I'm so glad that they finally realize that what makes Sonic stories so good is how shockingly serious they are. Embrace the edginess, screamo metal boss themes, fuck yeah.

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This game changed my life.

I remember the day I got it on the Vita online shop, I had just played Persona 4 Golden and I had an itch I needed to scratch, I heard I could play as a girl in this one too!
Then, just like that, my view on the very concept of death is completely changed.

When I first found this game I'd restlessly toss and turn in my bed in terror of the inevitability of death, then this game told me to stare death directly in the face and accept it.

All the good, all the bad, death should not stop me from living. Live in the time that you have, experience the beauty.

Burn your dread.

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I'm gonna keep it real, even with the nostalgia I have for this game and it being my first Persona game, this is easily the weakest in the franchise, even when compared to Persona 1 in my opinion.

I feel like a large amount of the strongest parts of the story don't come until pretty damn late into the game. Once Nanako is taken into the TV world is when the stakes finally actually feel high.
I can't help but not get as attached to this cast as I do with Persona 3 and 5. Yosuke is easily the weakest of the best buddy characters and the only character I have any emotional attachment to in the main cast is Rise, which to be fair, I am extremely attached to her.

Adachi is however, one of the most compelling villains in the franchise in my opinion, anyone could become him really.

This game made me feel less ashamed of my struggles with managing my anxiety. Thank you to the creators of Celeste.

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I'm genuinely so sad that this game is 70 USD because I want everyone I know to play it.

Persona 3 always had my favorite story out of the Persona games but I never was able to recommend it to anyone with Persona 5 now being most peoples' introductions, the gameplay is a MASSIVE hurdle to get over.

Now with Reload, I can share my love for this story with others, and goddamn it is done justice.
I genuinely don't understand for the most part why I've seen so many OG fans have problems with this remake outside of the steep price for The Answer and the lack of FEMC(which they explained at a money and time problem, which does make sense)

I'm gonna be honest, it feels like a nostalgia thing.

But what I said in my P3P review applies here, the original story changed my life and it rings true here, with new layers.
The gorgeous new cutscenes, though they don't have quite the same charm as the old, are breathtaking and add another layer of emotion to this greek tragedy.

Koromaru putting his head in Shinjiro's hand, Chidori's body going limp, Makoto's smile. It's the little things. Like life.

This fan remake exists to show that 06 could've been the best Sonic game if given the time it needed. I'm glad that I'm not the only person who saw the game's potential.

Depressing missed potential, see P-06 for what it could've been.

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I think the best way to describe my experience with this horror experience is that Kinito asked me if I was alone, I said no, and then he proceeded to ask if I trusted every word my boyfriend(who I LIVE WITH and was SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO) says

Also the ARG tied to this is pretty neat. Simple story with really good execution.

Love this game, wish the villagers actually had soul and didn't constantly repeat the same dialog over and over again.

I also liked when Zipper was blatantly just a depressed worker and not just a weirdo.

This game killed the Sonic Riders series and that is why it's the worst Sonic game in my eyes.

One-X and Welcome to the Black Parade are 2 of my favorite albums of all time of course I unironically like this game

Is this the worse Sonic game ever? God no. Does it mediocrity give me intense irrational rage? Yes.