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1 day ago

Prozner completed Zuma Deluxe
Fun puzzle game by popcap. I first played this game on my xbox 360 through the physical version of pvz that included zuma and peggle, as a kid i didnt really get it, but after being gifted it on steam and playing it on the deck in bed its really just a fun little time waster that I can see myself coming back to.

9 days ago

Prozner completed Turn It Around
This was a game i got the christmas I got my original DS lite, its a ok little mini game centered around turning a wheel on the touchscreen to play minigames (you can also use buttons) Its short and goofy. If you enjoy wierd games give it a try, play it, and if you enjoy you enjoyed it, if not you didnt lose much, its a very short game.

11 days ago

11 days ago

Prozner completed Sonic and the Secret Rings
I genuinely believe if you can get past the clunky gameplay you have a fun little sonic story, and a game that is actually kinda fun. If you have a wii and enjoy motion controls in your games give it a try, its a fun little romp with ballin music.

13 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

Prozner backloggd Animal Well

13 days ago

Prozner reviewed Sonic Unleashed
I want to be very clear I have no nostalgia for this game, I did not grow up with it, and I had never really played it until recently, and I gott say after playing generations (witch I thought was very mid) unleashed was very pleasent surprise. The boost sonic gameplay really began here and it feels quite good, and while wearhog isnt perfect it can be fun when the game isnt making you platform as him. Having to collect the medals to unlock levels was a little annoying but not too bad. The boss fights were a mixed bag for me, some fun, some unnecasarily dragged out. Overall besides some hiccups unleashed is a genuinely good game, and so far the first sonic game ive played that ive genuinely fully enjoyed.

14 days ago

14 days ago

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