A fine enough platformer, the drawing concept could've been explored better and the story is flat but could be worth a remake/reboot

(DS version) I played this before MKDS, it's alright, held back by some console limitations and collision moments but it's fine

The first game I ever properly owned. I don't have it anymore but I think I remember liking it idk

For the last Herbie related media to be released it's fine, average in comparison to other racing games but has some challenge

This is the reason I got a DS. It's alright of a point and click game I guess

An interesting setup but brought down by its length and cut content. Story's funny though. Have a feeling Traveller's Tales got inspiration from this when working on the Lego games

This review was written before the game released

More of a Galaxy 2 type sequel where it doesn't change too much from the original but still a worthy followup

One of the best hack and slash games with a well put together and entertaining story

Three of the best 3D platformers. Crash is back baybee

The most colourful mario kart with a good amount of flair

IT'S MAS- it's pretty alright